”A DayDreaming- Mind”


”You can spend your time daydreaming or make use of it in other ways. I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering. They say there’s no harm in daydreaming, but there is. If you don’t daydream your life is a nightmare.”

It was always about what will I become, how good I will perform, how will I make my parents proud, how will I look cool in my peer group… until a series of accidental happenings took place to awaken me to the truth — don’t think to avoid life but just live to experience it!

The only problem with most of us is that generally, we don’t tend to learn until we suffer. Learning from other’s experiences is not considered so cool I guess as making mistakes and then making corrections is!

Not Thinking here doesn’t mean not planning your day or events. You need to be organized to have a fruitful day because it is an action that should make the major part of a day which depends on our prior planning. This though observes digression in the form of overthinking about the results and what all might or might not happen in future. By planning, you do yourself a favor of staying organized and taking time out for everything in a day but by overthinking and fearing thoughts, you only kill the chances of living a happy life.


There are things to do and then things to observe. There are things to say and then things to listen too. There are things to direct and then there are things to obey too. Experiencing life can be the only way to do it efficiently.

A DayDreaming Mind:-

When most people are caught daydreaming and asked “What’re you thinking about?” they normally answer with the standard, “nothing.” 99% of the time, that’s actually not true. In fact, it’s incredibly difficult to clear your mind of all thoughts entirely. In actuality, when people say they are thinking about nothing, they’re actually thinking about the more mundane aspects of life: The bills they have to pay, the meals they have to cook, or the dates they have to remember.

But what if you could occupy your daydreaming mind with something a little more interesting?


Positive and Negative Effects of Daydreaming:-

Many people use daydreaming as a way to escape their daily life or even the moment that they are in at the time. While daydreaming can provide a quick method to get away from reality, it can also be a healthy method for dealing with certain situations and ideas. Daydreaming normally has a negative connotation but it can be useful when you need to induce creativity or a few minutes of relaxation. Depending on the way you use your daydreaming time, it can be either a positive or a negative way to spend some of your free time.

The Negative Aspects of Daydreaming:-
One way in which daydreaming can be harmful to your way of life is if you do it too much. There is a time where daydreaming can be useful and productive, but at other times it can cause you to lose focus and forget important information. If you are at work or trying to complete an important task, daydreaming can interfere with your productivity and cause you to either slow down or stop completely for a matter of minutes. If your job consists of operating heavy machinery, daydreaming can even be harmful to your health if you allow it to reduce your concentration.

Daydreaming can also be harmful to your mental health if you are constantly having negative thoughts. While most people daydream about fantasies and other desirable events, others might be daydreaming about doing something harmful to themselves or others. There have been many cases of suicidal people driving along the road and daydreaming about crashing into a tree. Sometimes, these types of daydreaming fantasies can be rather involved with a great deal of detail. It is almost like a plan rather than a fantasy. When it involves something that could cause harm, daydreaming is likely to be a detrimental quality.

Positive Aspects of Daydreaming:-
On the other hand, you can use daydreaming to your advantage. One way you can do this is to set aside time each day for daydreaming. Even though this is often a spontaneous action, you can still set a certain time when you sit in a quiet spot and begin daydreaming. Many people find this to be an ideal stress reliever after a long day of work. This can also be a stress-relieving technique after a major argument with a friend, loved one, or even after a traumatic life event. Daydreaming allows your mind to wander and forget about reality for a short time. This attribute alone can help you keep your sanity when you are going through some rough times. By allowing yourself to escape from a stressful situation, you can return to the situation with a new attitude and possibly even a solution to the problem that may be causing the stress.Daydreaming helps your mind relax:-
In addition to relieving stress, daydreaming is also a way that many people choose to relax. Daydreaming allows your mind to take a break for the duration of the entire time you allow your mind to wander. Since it lets your mind take a break, you can often return from a session daydreaming with a refreshed and renewed mind. Oftentimes, this might be all you need to return to a task and complete it. Oftentimes, working on the same thing for a long period can cause your mind to get bored and stop focusing on it. Daydreaming can relieve your mind from the issue for a few minutes and, as a result, return refreshed and ready to complete it.

Daydreaming helps you manage conflict:-
Others might choose to use daydreaming as a means to manage conflict. This is often referred to as “organized daydreaming” and it involves a visualization of different ways to deal with existing conflicts or ones that may arise. Using this method of daydreaming helps review specific situations in your head so you can be prepared for a variety of occurrences. For instance, you might often daydream about what you would do if somebody tried to mug you on the street. By using organized daydreaming, you can visualize several different possible scenarios so you can be better prepared in case it happens.
Daydreaming helps you maintain relationships:-
Another positive effect of daydreaming is that it can help you maintain your relationships. When couples or friends are apart, daydreaming about spending time with them can often help you feel like you are still together. You can either daydream about the times that you have spent together in the past or you can daydream about what you would do with your friends or significant others in certain situations. For instance, if you have moved far away from your circle of friends, you can daydream about how it might be if you were with them when you got a new and exciting job. While daydreaming is not the same as being with those special people in your life, it can help you remember them fondly and keep you thinking about them rather than letting them slip out of your mind.
Daydreaming helps boost productivity”:-
Daydreaming can also be used as an efficient method for boosting productivity. If you allow a few minutes in the middle of the day to daydream about a problem you are having at work or in other situations, your mind may think of a variety of ways to solve that problem. Daydreaming can also help elevate your mood that will make you feel better overall. The better you feel, the more likely you are to be productive. As a result, you are more motivated to complete a job or a task and move on to the next challenge.Daydreaming helps you achieve your goals:-
Since daydreaming helps you get motivated and boost your productivity, it can help you achieve your goals as well. If you can daydream of being successful at a certain task or even in a certain position in life, you are more likely to reach your goals. Visualization is often an important key to striving towards a destination. It is a common method utilized by performers, athletes and other professionals whom society would consider successful. Therefore, it can also work for you. 

Daydreaming can help you focus:-
If your goal is to write for comedy television but you are a comedian, you can visualize yourself working through the ranks until you become a writer for a television show. This is true for any industry. Following this example, daydreaming can help you concentrate and focus on a higher goal for yourself. The more you think about your ultimate goal and focus on the steps to achieving that goal, the more likely you will be to reach it. You might even reach your goal faster if you are using your daydreaming times and efforts efficiently.

Although daydreaming is generally used as a negative characteristic, you can use this technique to your advantage. Daydreaming not only boosts your creativity and problem-solving skills, but it also helps you concentrate and focus on a specific task. It helps your mind wander to thoughts and areas that it might not wonder if you had not set aside time for daydreaming. If used efficiently and effectively, daydreaming can be one of the most important techniques that you can use to achieve your ultimate goals.

”Being A Warrior 🎯 And Getting Out From The Misconceptions Of Your Life!!”


”Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

Life is filled with little stressors that can bring us down. These come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from work and school to friends and family, but they can be absolutely anything. Occasionally, the stress comes at us from all angles all at once, and that’s when it starts to get a bit overwhelming.

The trick is not letting life’s little–or often times big–troubles get in the way of leading a happy and productive life.

Thankfully, there are tactics that can help you power through the hard times and actually end up feeling a lot stronger and more confident for next time. In moments of frustration, people will tell you to just brush it off, but of course, that’s easier said than done.


“Many people don’t push because they don’t want to feel pain or failure.”

There is a fundamental approach to life for those with a warrior mentality: Don’t get conditioned to accepting the status quo and do consistently seek the next level.

A warrior is a human being who accepts the call and walks the long, arduous path of becoming one’s full potential.

A warrior is a human being who questions all authority and all conventional wisdom that is spoken in the course of his life

A warrior is a human being who understands and explores all worldviews, all religions, all cultures, all histories and all legacies of WISDOM to understand fully what he is as a human being.

A warrior knows what he must contribute; he leaves generations to come with strong, universal, and life-affirming foundations.

A warrior is someone who explores the inner world and the external world, integrating both.


A warrior is someone who focuses on “what” he is as a human being

A warrior takes an eternal perspective.

A warrior is someone who loves as fully as possible.

A warrior is someone who understands his needs and is fearless in telling others what they are, even at the risk of looking vulnerable.

A warrior knows when to let the silence speak.


A warrior is fearless in living.

A warrior knows his gifts and develops them throughout his life.

A warrior knows to suffer. A warrior is not afraid of suffering that expects it. A warrior learns from suffering. A warrior learns to be joy in both suffering and bliss.

A warrior knows love as both intimacy and rapture.

A warrior goes into darkness and light. A warrior is totally exposed.

A warrior aligns to virtues, values, and purpose, not human beings.

A warrior loves turbulence.

A warrior is a scholar of living; his body becomes an instrument of consciousness.

A warrior lives on the path of Mastery. Mastery is never attained and always unfolding.


A warrior speaks his truth.

A warrior loves and lives in paradoxes, chaos, and conflict.

A warrior knows he cannot “save” another human being, only serve others and set the example through embodiment.

A warrior knows his short-comings, makes peace with his humanness, accepts and learns from his failures, and begs for the forgiveness of those he as pained, wronged, or let down.

A warrior always expresses his being. A warrior does not prove, a warrior simply is.

A warrior deals with loneliness, even though he’s never alone.


A warrior heals and expands the tenderness of his heart.

A warrior lives at risk, a warrior lives in uncertainty and a warrior lives in the mystery of what he is.

A warrior’s work is never done.

A warrior knows idleness weakens him, entertainment dims him, and good times can destroy him.

A warrior lets go of convention, of security, of safety.

A warrior goes into the abyss of truth. A warrior lives in faith. A warrior gives testament to Spirit.


A warrior knows that he is creating, that essence created him, that he is spirit made manifest.

A warrior knows that each human being is the mystery, is the end, never the means.

A warrior knows that there is nothing more important than each human being’s experience of joy.

A warrior gives hope that all are called to live, awaken and become fearless on the path to the Divine Ground.

A warrior looks you in the eyes, sees your soul and gives you the courage to be what you are… the radiance of Love itself.


“A warrior is a hunter. He calculates everything. That’s control. Once his calculations are over, he acts. He lets go. That’s abandon. A warrior is not a leaf at the mercy of the wind. No one can push him; no one can make him do things against himself or against his better judgment. A warrior is tuned to survive, and he survives in the best of all possible fashions.” –Carlos Castaneda, The Wheel of Time

Here are 4 ways you can start living like a Warrior today:


  • Being honest with yourself:- You have to be really honest about what your motivations are. Not everyone wants to do good in the world. Some people want the title and the door. That’s okay. If you are not going to be on the front line of change and that’s all you want, then just make sure you do no harm. People who really want to push the limits are willing to go through the pain. Define pain for yourself. Determine whether the pain is emotional, intellectual, or physical. Break it down into small pieces. Then it’s not so scary. Understand why you’re resisting.
  • Being honest with others:-For people to put bold thinking forward, authenticity, honesty, and transparency have to come from the top. This is what allows ideas to bubble up. Fiefdoms and territorial behaviors come from fear. It starts at the top and trickles down.
  • Reward honesty:-Look at how you are rewarding people. Are you getting the results that you want? Are you being honest or encouraging others to be honest about the pros and cons of what you want.
  • Stay positive:- Saying negative things shut people down and prevent them from being bold. It constricts creativity. To become aware of your feedback, even with yourself.

”Life: The Force That Makes or Keeps Something Alive”


“One who persists is a person of purpose.”

Life has a different definition in the eyes of different people. … For many life is all about love. For a few, life is all about religious practices. For a philosopher like Aristotle life is about happiness: “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim, and end of human existence.”

We all yearn to know the deeper meaning of life. We all want something beyond what we know. We all want a connection with spirit&with the heart of the universe.

As I pondered what to write about” the deeper meaning of life,” I realized that I was trying to figure it out with my mind. I kept staring at the blank screen on my computer and couldn’t seem to come up with anything worth writing. When I over analyze and rack my brain to get answers I seldom find what I am searching for. So where lies the answers or should I ask what is the question?

I find that when I allow my spirit to guide me it leads me to the mystery behind the obvious.  “the imagination is capable of kindness that the mind often lacks because it works naturally from the world of between; it does not engage things in a cold, clear-cut way but always searches for the hidden worlds that wait at the edge of things.”

Some people seem to spend their whole lives dissatisfied, in search of a purpose. But all of us have everything we need for a meaningful existence.

People are mistaken when they feel their lives are meaningless. The error is based on their failure to recognize what does matter, instead of becoming overly focused on what they believe is missing from their existence.


The question of meaning:-

The 19th-century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, for example, said the question itself was meaningless because, in the midst of living, we’re in no position to discern whether our lives matter and stepping outside of the process of existence to answer is impossible.

Those who do think meaning can be discerned, however, fall into four groups,  writing in the Stanford Dictionary of Philosophy. Some are God-centered and believe only a deity can provide purpose. Others ascribe to a soul-centered view, thinking something of us must continue beyond our lives, in essence after physical existence, which gives life meaning. Then there are two camps of “naturalists” seeking meaning in a purely physical world as known by science, who fall into “subjectivist” and “objectivist” categories.

The two naturalist camps are split over whether the human mind makes meaning or these conditions are absolute and universal. Objectivists argue that there are absolute truths which have value, though they may not agree on what they are. For example, some say that creativity offers purpose, while others believe that virtue, or a moral life, confers meaning.

Subjectivists— If meaning happens through cognition, then it could come from any number of sources. “It seems to most in the field not only that creativity and morality are independent sources of meaning, but also that there are sources in addition to these two. For just a few examples, consider making an intellectual discovery, rearing children with love, playing music, and developing the superior athletic ability,”

For subjectivists, depending on who and where we are at any given point, the value of any given activity varies. Life is meaningful, they say, but its value is made by us in our minds, and subject to change over time. It is essentially a sense of worth which we may all derive in a different way—from relationships, creativity, an accomplishment in a given field, or generosity, among other possibilities.



Reframing your mindset:-

For those who feel purposeless, “A meaningful life is one in which there is a sufficient number of aspects of sufficient value, and a meaningless life is one in which there is not a sufficient number of aspects of sufficient value.”

Basically, here meaning is like an equation—add or subtract value variables, and you get more or less meaning. So, say you feel purposeless because you’re not as accomplished in your profession as you dreamed of being. You could theoretically derive meaning from other endeavors, like relationships, volunteer work, travel, or creative activities, to name just a few. It may also be that the things you already do really are meaningful and that you’re not valuing them sufficiently because you’re focused on a single factor for value.

It points to the example of existentialist psychologist Viktor Frankl, who survived imprisonment in Nazi concentration camps in World War II and went on to write a book, Man in Search of Meaning. Frankl’s purpose, his will to live despite imprisonment in the harshest conditions, came from his desire to write about the experience afterward. Frankl noted, too, that others who survived the camps had a specific purpose—they were determined to see their families after the war or to help other prisoners live, maintaining a sense of humanity.

So that anyone who believes life can be meaningless also assumes the importance of value. In other words, if you think life can be meaningless, then you believe that there is such a thing as value. You’re not neutral on the topic. As such, we can also increase or decrease the value of our lives with practice, effort, action, and thought. “I can ruin or build friendships, upgrade or downgrade my health, It would be surprising if in this particular sphere of value, the meaning of life, things were different from how they are in all the other spheres,”

For a life to be valuable, or meaningful, it needn’t be unique. Believing that specialness is tied to meaning is another mistake many people make, This misconception, he believes, “leads some people to unnecessarily seeing their lives as insufficiently meaningful and to miss ways of enhancing meaning in life.”

He notes too that things change all the time: We move, meet new people, have fresh experiences, encounter new ideas, and age. As we change, our values transform, and so does our sense of purpose, which we must continually work on.


 Because You Live life Matter:-

Surely there must be more to existence than simply assigning a value to what we already have and thinking differently if we fail to recognize purpose in our lives.

In fact, there are even less complex approaches to meaningfulness. In Philosophy Now, Tim Bale, a professor of politics at the Queen Mary University of London in the UK, provides an extremely simple answer: “The meaning of life is not being dead.”

While that may sound coy, many philosophers offer similar responses, although few as pithy. Philosopher Richard Taylor proposes that efforts and accomplishments aren’t what makes life matter, writing in the 1970 book Good and Evil“the day was sufficient to itself, and so was the life.” In other words, because we live, life matters.

It can be disconcerting, perhaps, to have such an easy answer. And detractors might argue that nothing can matter, given the immensity of the universe and the brevity of our lives. But this assumes our purpose is fixed, rigid and assigned externally, and not flexible or a product of the mind.


Our Question Is The Answer:-

There are other approaches, too. Now that the question of meaningfulness itself offers an answer. “What makes a human life have meaning or significance is not the mere living of a life, but reflecting on the living of a life,”

Pursuing ends and goals—fitness, family, financial success, academic accomplishment—is all fine and good, yet that’s not really meaningful,. Reflecting on why we pursue those goals is significant, however. By taking a reflective perspective, significance itself accrues. “This comes close to Socrates’ famous saying that the unexamined life is not worth living,“I would venture to say that the unexamined life has no meaning.”


Mystery Is Meaning:-

In the Eastern philosophical tradition, there’s yet another simple answer to the difficult question of life’s meaning—a response that can’t be articulated exactly but is sensed through deep observation of nature. The sixth-century Chinese sage Lao Tzu—who is said to have dictated the Tao Te Ching before escaping civilization for solitude in the mountains—believed the universe supplies our value.

Like Woodley, he would argue that goals are insignificant and that accomplishments are not what makes our lives matter. He suggests meaning comes from being a product of the world itself. No effort is necessary.

Instead of reflection, Lao Tzu proposes a deep understanding of the essence of existence, which is mysterious. We, like rivers and trees, are part of “the way,” which is made of everything and makes everything and cannot ever truly be known or spoken of. From this perspective, life isn’t comprehensible, but it is inherently meaningful—whatever position we occupy in society, however little or much we may do.

Life matters because we exist within and among living things, as part of an enduring and incomprehensible chain of existence. Sometimes life is brutal,, but the meaning is derived from perseverance. The Tao says, “One who persists is a person of purpose.”

“”Shiva Shambho”

A gentle form of Shiva, and how it is a key to break all one’s limitations.

Indian culture was created as a science to enable you to seek your ultimate liberation. Every aspect of your life – whether you sing, dance, eat, or study – was only aimed at your mukti. Your religion, education, family or business was secondary. The only thing that mattered to you was your mukti. When mukti was the only thing you were seeking, everything was oriented towards that and every possible way of exploring your inner nature was brought forth. Nowhere else in the world – you can investigate it as much as you want – have people understood the interiority of a human being as this culture has. It has been looked at with enormous depth.

But because these are subjective sciences, they were expressed and coded in certain ways, so that you cannot misinterpret them logically. Such care was taken to see that misinterpretations don’t happen. In spite of that, over a period of time, misinterpretation has invariably happened and the science needs to be rejuvenated.

Living Energy Forms

One aspect of this culture was that they created powerful energy forms through which one can seek growth and wellbeing. The creation of these forms is another dimension of what we call consecration. Dhyanalinga for example is an energy form.

The word “Shambho” is associated with this. Is it a mantra? Yes. What does a mantra mean? Today, modern science tells us that the whole existence is a vibration. In other words, the whole of existence is just sound. In this complex arrangement of sounds which you call creation, there are a few key sounds that can open up dimensions for you. These are referred to as mantras. If you use a particular mantra with the right sense of awareness, it can open up a completely new dimension of life for you. But if you are just emotionally attached to the mantra – emotions can be juicy and nice but it won’t lead you anywhere.

A mantra is basically a device. Is it a form? Yes, because every sound has a form attached to it. “Shambho” has its own form. Is it a living thing? Yes, very much, because everything in the existence is alive. An atom, a rock, a tree, a plant, an animal, everything is alive. Whether you are able to perceive this or not is the only question. It is only because the air is alive it can give you life. Maybe it is not alive like you, but it is alive in its own way. Because of this, we looked at life in a different way in this culture.

Shambho is one of the more auspicious forms. He is a very gentle form of Shiva, which is rare. Shiva is usually wild and crazy. But this is a very gentle, beautiful form. These forms were established by people as eternal forms so that others could make use of it.

A Key To Open You Up

When you say “Shambho” or “Shiva”, you are not asking for help. If you say “Shambho” every time your knees hurt, that’s not it! Shiva devotees always called upon Shiva and said, “Shiva, please destroy me.” For example, Akka Mahadevi called upon Shiva and this was her prayer: “Shiva, when I am very hungry, if I get a morsel of food before I put it in my mouth, let it slip and fall into the mud. And before I bend down and pick it up, let a dog come and take it away. And if I am climbing a mountain, let my feet slip and let me fall down and let my head break.” This is how the prayer goes.

With a very deep understanding of sound, we have taken a few sounds that are the keys to existence. “Shiva” and “Shambho” are two such keys.

So don’t use “Shiva Shambho” for your survival. Don’t use this because you want to buy a new house or a new vehicle, or you want to get your daughter married. If you are seeking survival, you are calling the wrong person! Shiva is constantly waiting for one moment of vulnerability in you when he can crack you. He is not looking at helping you survive.

You say “Shambho” because you want to dissolve with this sound. With a very deep understanding of sound, we have taken a few sounds that are the keys to existence. If you utter them with the right sense of intensity at the right moment in your life, they can shatter all your limitations. “Shiva” and “Shambho” are two such keys. From the solid person that you are, they are meant to open you up to a new dimension. Just make it your life-breath, make the sound constantly “on” within you. If one moment of vulnerability comes, the sound will crack you open. Absolutely new things will happen.

""Shiva Shambho"

A gentle form of Shiva, and how it is a key to break all one’s limitations.

Indian culture was created as a science to enable you to seek your ultimate liberation. Every aspect of your life – whether you sing, dance, eat, or study – was only aimed at your mukti. Your religion, education, family or business was secondary. The only thing that mattered to you was your mukti. When mukti was the only thing you were seeking, everything was oriented towards that and every possible way of exploring your inner nature was brought forth. Nowhere else in the world – you can investigate it as much as you want – have people understood the interiority of a human being as this culture has. It has been looked at with enormous depth.

But because these are subjective sciences, they were expressed and coded in certain ways, so that you cannot misinterpret them logically. Such care was taken to see that misinterpretations don’t happen. In spite of that, over a period of time, misinterpretation has invariably happened and the science needs to be rejuvenated.

Living Energy Forms

One aspect of this culture was that they created powerful energy forms through which one can seek growth and wellbeing. The creation of these forms is another dimension of what we call consecration. Dhyanalinga for example is an energy form.

The word “Shambho” is associated with this. Is it a mantra? Yes. What does a mantra mean? Today, modern science tells us that the whole existence is a vibration. In other words, the whole of existence is just sound. In this complex arrangement of sounds which you call creation, there are a few key sounds that can open up dimensions for you. These are referred to as mantras. If you use a particular mantra with the right sense of awareness, it can open up a completely new dimension of life for you. But if you are just emotionally attached to the mantra – emotions can be juicy and nice but it won’t lead you anywhere.

A mantra is basically a device. Is it a form? Yes, because every sound has a form attached to it. “Shambho” has its own form. Is it a living thing? Yes, very much, because everything in the existence is alive. An atom, a rock, a tree, a plant, an animal, everything is alive. Whether you are able to perceive this or not is the only question. It is only because the air is alive it can give you life. Maybe it is not alive like you, but it is alive in its own way. Because of this, we looked at life in a different way in this culture.

Shambho is one of the more auspicious forms. He is a very gentle form of Shiva, which is rare. Shiva is usually wild and crazy. But this is a very gentle, beautiful form. These forms were established by people as eternal forms so that others could make use of it.

A Key To Open You Up

When you say “Shambho” or “Shiva”, you are not asking for help. If you say “Shambho” every time your knees hurt, that’s not it! Shiva devotees always called upon Shiva and said, “Shiva, please destroy me.” For example, Akka Mahadevi called upon Shiva and this was her prayer: “Shiva, when I am very hungry, if I get a morsel of food before I put it in my mouth, let it slip and fall into the mud. And before I bend down and pick it up, let a dog come and take it away. And if I am climbing a mountain, let my feet slip and let me fall down and let my head break.” This is how the prayer goes.

With a very deep understanding of sound, we have taken a few sounds that are the keys to existence. “Shiva” and “Shambho” are two such keys.

So don’t use “Shiva Shambho” for your survival. Don’t use this because you want to buy a new house or a new vehicle, or you want to get your daughter married. If you are seeking survival, you are calling the wrong person! Shiva is constantly waiting for one moment of vulnerability in you when he can crack you. He is not looking at helping you survive.

You say “Shambho” because you want to dissolve with this sound. With a very deep understanding of sound, we have taken a few sounds that are the keys to existence. If you utter them with the right sense of intensity at the right moment in your life, they can shatter all your limitations. “Shiva” and “Shambho” are two such keys. From the solid person that you are, they are meant to open you up to a new dimension. Just make it your life-breath, make the sound constantly “on” within you. If one moment of vulnerability comes, the sound will crack you open. Absolutely new things will happen.

“Life And Circumstances”

Imagine what your life would be like if you stopped blaming your circumstances on other people and things and took responsibility for your own life. It gives you the tools you need to take control of your life and become more aware of your experiences.

I recently read a great quote from Ben Franklin that I hadn’t seen before. He said, “Joy doesn’t exist in the world, it exists in us.” While the quote was new to me, the concept wasn’t. However, as I began to think it more, I realized that even though I “understand” this wisdom and do my best to live by it and remind others of it, more often than I’d like to admit, I find myself living as though I’m simply a victim of the things that go on around me and in the world—especially the stuff I don’t particularly like, agree with, understand, feel like I’m on top of or enjoy.

The circumstances of our lives, especially when they seem stressful or intense (as is the case for many people I know and work with these days), do have an impact on us, for sure. However, all too often, we give away our power to these circumstances and situations. We act as though it’s a foregone conclusion that we will feel a certain way, based on specific circumstances like the economy, the weather, our health, our level of activity, the state of our romantic relationship or lack thereof, the behavior of our children, our families, the state of our career or business or our environment at work.

Our experience of life (grateful, worried, peaceful, angry, excited, sad, alive, depressed, joyous or anything else) is much more of a reflection of us and what’s going on within us, not a reaction to what’s going on around us. We’ve all had many times in our lives when things were going great on the surface or we accomplished or experienced some wonderful external success, only to feel a sense of disappointment or sadness underneath because whatever it didn’t satisfy us at a deep level. And, on the flip side, most of us have had moments of incredible joy, excitement, and bliss that weren’t directly connected to anything worthy of these feelings externally.

Even though we know this dynamic to be true, we still seem to get caught in the hypnotic, erroneous notion that if we just got rid of some issues, altered some circumstances, manifested some increased success or changed some specific situations in our lives, then, we’d be happy, peaceful and relaxed (or whatever it is we say we want to experience).

“The definition of insanity is thinking that you need something you don’t have. The mere fact that you exist right now without that which you think you need is proof that you don’t need it.

"Life And Circumstances"

Imagine what your life would be like if you stopped blaming your circumstances on other people and things and took responsibility for your own life. It gives you the tools you need to take control of your life and become more aware of your experiences.

I recently read a great quote from Ben Franklin that I hadn’t seen before. He said, “Joy doesn’t exist in the world, it exists in us.” While the quote was new to me, the concept wasn’t. However, as I began to think it more, I realized that even though I “understand” this wisdom and do my best to live by it and remind others of it, more often than I’d like to admit, I find myself living as though I’m simply a victim of the things that go on around me and in the world—especially the stuff I don’t particularly like, agree with, understand, feel like I’m on top of or enjoy.

The circumstances of our lives, especially when they seem stressful or intense (as is the case for many people I know and work with these days), do have an impact on us, for sure. However, all too often, we give away our power to these circumstances and situations. We act as though it’s a foregone conclusion that we will feel a certain way, based on specific circumstances like the economy, the weather, our health, our level of activity, the state of our romantic relationship or lack thereof, the behavior of our children, our families, the state of our career or business or our environment at work.

Our experience of life (grateful, worried, peaceful, angry, excited, sad, alive, depressed, joyous or anything else) is much more of a reflection of us and what’s going on within us, not a reaction to what’s going on around us. We’ve all had many times in our lives when things were going great on the surface or we accomplished or experienced some wonderful external success, only to feel a sense of disappointment or sadness underneath because whatever it didn’t satisfy us at a deep level. And, on the flip side, most of us have had moments of incredible joy, excitement, and bliss that weren’t directly connected to anything worthy of these feelings externally.

Even though we know this dynamic to be true, we still seem to get caught in the hypnotic, erroneous notion that if we just got rid of some issues, altered some circumstances, manifested some increased success or changed some specific situations in our lives, then, we’d be happy, peaceful and relaxed (or whatever it is we say we want to experience).

“The definition of insanity is thinking that you need something you don’t have. The mere fact that you exist right now without that which you think you need is proof that you don’t need it.

The Moirai (Moerae)-'' Decide Fates Or Person's Destiny''

The Moirai (Moerae), also referred to as the Fates, represent the idea of “destiny” in Greek mythology. The Ancient Greeks had a habit of creating deities to represent abstract concepts as a way of explaining their world. However, the Moirai do more than just represent destiny – they are the personification of it. It is understood that the Moirai controlled people’s lives in different ways from the time they were born to the time they died.

It is interesting to note that the word, Moirai, meant a portion or a part of a whole in Ancient Greek. The connotation here is that it referred to a portion of a bounty, as would be the case if people were to divide up a treasure. Thus, the Morai were seen as being keepers of a person’s destiny, or her specific allotment of life. Here’s more information about who the Moirai were and the role they played in Greek mythology.

Who the Moirai (Moerae) Were

It is largely understood that the Moirai, or the Fates, were three of the six children that Themis, the goddess of Justice, and Zeus, the king of the gods, had together. The other three children were the Horai, or the Hours. The names of the three Fates were Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. They each had their own, unique characteristics.

  • Clotho. She was known as the spinner because she “spun” the very thread of a person’s life. She spun the thread from her Distaff directly to her Spindle.
  • Lachesis – Once Clotho spun the thread, Lachesis would measure it for each person. Each person had different lengths of thread, indicated that they all had different life spans.
  • Atropos – She was responsible for cutting the thread, which indicates that she controlled when life would end. She also chose the way each person would die.

As you can see, Clotho was always associated with the beginning of life. She essentially created it by spinning the thread. Lachesis controlled the length of a person’s life, and Atropos was always associated with death. Thus, the three Fates essentially represent Birth, Life, and Death.

The Appearance of the Moirai

Unlike their siblings, the Horai, the Moirai were always depicted as ugly old women. Note that the Horai were always depicted as young, beautiful women. The Ancient Greeks appeared to have feared the Moirai. After all, one of the Fates (Moerae) were said to have controlled every aspect of a person’s life, including their death. As a result, most Ancient Greeks feared them and as a result, they imagined them with unflattering appearances. They were also depicted as crippled, stern, inflexible, and severe. They were usually depicted together as a group of three and they were often depicted with their objects. For instance, Clotho was usually shown with her spindle and Atropos was depicted with her cutting shears.

The Moirai, also referred to as the Fates, were an interesting part of Greek mythology. They were three of the children of Themis and Zeus and they were always associated with a person’s destiny.

The Moirai (Moerae)-” Decide Fates Or Person’s Destiny”

The Moirai (Moerae), also referred to as the Fates, represent the idea of “destiny” in Greek mythology. The Ancient Greeks had a habit of creating deities to represent abstract concepts as a way of explaining their world. However, the Moirai do more than just represent destiny – they are the personification of it. It is understood that the Moirai controlled people’s lives in different ways from the time they were born to the time they died.

It is interesting to note that the word, Moirai, meant a portion or a part of a whole in Ancient Greek. The connotation here is that it referred to a portion of a bounty, as would be the case if people were to divide up a treasure. Thus, the Morai were seen as being keepers of a person’s destiny, or her specific allotment of life. Here’s more information about who the Moirai were and the role they played in Greek mythology.

Who the Moirai (Moerae) Were

It is largely understood that the Moirai, or the Fates, were three of the six children that Themis, the goddess of Justice, and Zeus, the king of the gods, had together. The other three children were the Horai, or the Hours. The names of the three Fates were Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. They each had their own, unique characteristics.

  • Clotho. She was known as the spinner because she “spun” the very thread of a person’s life. She spun the thread from her Distaff directly to her Spindle.
  • Lachesis – Once Clotho spun the thread, Lachesis would measure it for each person. Each person had different lengths of thread, indicated that they all had different life spans.
  • Atropos – She was responsible for cutting the thread, which indicates that she controlled when life would end. She also chose the way each person would die.

As you can see, Clotho was always associated with the beginning of life. She essentially created it by spinning the thread. Lachesis controlled the length of a person’s life, and Atropos was always associated with death. Thus, the three Fates essentially represent Birth, Life, and Death.

The Appearance of the Moirai

Unlike their siblings, the Horai, the Moirai were always depicted as ugly old women. Note that the Horai were always depicted as young, beautiful women. The Ancient Greeks appeared to have feared the Moirai. After all, one of the Fates (Moerae) were said to have controlled every aspect of a person’s life, including their death. As a result, most Ancient Greeks feared them and as a result, they imagined them with unflattering appearances. They were also depicted as crippled, stern, inflexible, and severe. They were usually depicted together as a group of three and they were often depicted with their objects. For instance, Clotho was usually shown with her spindle and Atropos was depicted with her cutting shears.

The Moirai, also referred to as the Fates, were an interesting part of Greek mythology. They were three of the children of Themis and Zeus and they were always associated with a person’s destiny.

''Living On A Moment''

You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.

To live in the moment, or now, means being conscious, aware and in the present with all of your senses. It means not dwelling on the past, nor being anxious or worrying about the future.

When we concentrate our attention on the present we focus on the task at hand. We give our full attention to what we are doing and we let go of outcomes.

The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.

Seizing each moment in life allows us to prolong its value and make it more meaningful. Rather than seeking quantity of time, when we live in the moment we enjoy and savor every minute. We don’t sacrifice quality for quantity.

Of course, this doesn’t mean we don’t need to plan, set goals or prepare for the future. We can do all of these things and still enjoy each moment as it unfolds.

For instance, if we have set a goal to exercise each day, we would carry on with it while enjoying the actual process, or moment, of exercising (or at least be in the moment of it).

When we train ourselves to live in each moment, we immerse ourselves in it and begin to discover its beauty and wonder. We learn to focus and how to manage our energy. Professional athletes understand and employ this kind of focus very well. They know that accomplishment and success are a result of the skillful management and balancing of energy.

To make every moment count we must embrace it. Everything we do and every person we come in contact with deserves our full attention. Even when resting we should savor the moment. It gives us the opportunity to recharge, renew and gain clarity.

Quite often we put huge expectations on ourselves and our lives. We rush to do this, hurry up with that, without actually enjoying the process. What’s the rush? Where do we think we’re going?

If we don’t stop and think about where we’re at, we’re probably missing the point. Instead, when we appreciate each moment and garner the lessons from it, we live consciously, purposefully and responsibly.

Likewise, when we live in the past and don’t let go of painful experiences, perceived wrongs, or difficult times, we condemn ourselves to a present and future of the same. We cannot change the past. We can, however, come to terms with it, know that it’s over, and move on.

Living in the present moment creates the experience of eternity.

Living in the moment means letting go of the past and trust in the future. When we are positive and optimistic in the present, we open the possibility of a positive and promising future. We owe it to ourselves to make every moment count – now!

Tips To Live On The Moment:-

  • Train your mind to focus on the current activity.
  • Engage in, and feel what you are doing. Enjoy the process.
  • Learn relaxation techniques in order to be present in each moment.
  • Take notice of your surroundings – sights, sounds, smells, ambiance.
  • Listen attentively to the conversation of others, music, even silence.
  • Savor your food and drink. Taste each morsel.