”Time Heals All Wounds”


”The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone. Time heals almost everything.”

I often hear of people giving bereaved people advice similar to “you just need some time, after all ‘time heals all wounds.’” It is as if these well-meaning people are saying: “Just sit back and in time you’ll no longer have the sadness, anguish, yearning, guilt, anger, and fear you’re feeling now. They’ll fade away, and you’ll be fine.” Wow! What an interesting concept! But wait a minute, that approach to grieving raises a couple of questions. First, how long is “some time” – two months, one year, two years, five years? The second question is why doesn’t this apply to the rest of our lives? After all, we have to look for a new job, search for the right house, study to get through school. Even if we want to win the lottery, we still have to buy the ticket. We have to take the initiative to do something to cause something else to happen. Is grief different? Can it really be true that time alone is enough for grief to go away? I don’t think so…


Time teaches us to look into our past from a different perspective. The moment when something traumatic happens, we always feel like we are never going to get out of this horrible situation. Our conscience is paralyzed at this moment, unable to provide any healthy solution. Sometimes, we just can’t control our overwhelming waves of negative emotions. For days we can’t eat, sleep, or think properly. However, as time passes, we gradually understand that “the show must go on”; we have to pick ourselves up and keep going. We start looking at life through a more intelligent and practical perspective and we realize that slowly, that pain is starting to fade away.


It is difficult to maintain the same intensity of emotions throughout life, regardless of what they are. We are humans and our emotions/mentality never stays at the same level; it’s just not possible. Our emotions are constantly changing, depending on the situations and the environments we are exposed to. So, it’s pretty much impossible to keep that same intensity of emotions, for any of those “hard” times everyone experiences in life. I think we can all remember a time where we cried for days and nights, but every day, it got a little bit easier. My mantra is while times can be tough and everyone goes through different things, this can be universally said: each day everything gets easier and time heals everything.

”When You Feel Nothing Really Matters In Your Life What You Should Do?

There are times, we are so stressed out that we go into a self-doubting mode.
We start thinking, if everything we do, the hard work, the management, the money we spend, the sacrifices we do. Are they really worth?

These kinds of thoughts come when we start treating life as an achievement. I would like to tell you life is not a trophy you could achieve in your twenties and thirties and keep it in your house for rest of your generations to see.
Do not think does anything in life matters.
Whether it does or does not. If you do it. You gain XP levels like in a game which no one can take it from you.

Life is a journey. It flows with time. There are good times and bad times. None of them stay forever.
Whenever such thoughts come, just give them some time. They will go. Move on. Keep working towards being a better person each day.

“Why Time Flies”

“Why Time Flies” certainly does not answer our every question. And precisely for this reason, it captures us. Because it opens up a well of fascinating queries and gives us a glimpse of what has become an ever more deepening mystery for humans: the nature of time.Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.

Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Steve Jobs


Time may appear unproblematic at first. What is there to say about it? It flies, things happen in the fullness of it, clocks measure it, and we are well aware of its passage. This review shall take you perhaps three minutes to read. Nothing particularly curious about that. But the closer we look, the less clear our temporal sense becomes: First, our brain, body, and cells all keep track of time in a variety of ways that are not all that well understood. Psychologists are puzzled by a wealth of experiments showing that we process time in more subtle and complex ways than we expected. Some neuroscientists interpret the brain as a “time machine,” whose core mechanism is to collect past memories in order to predict the future. Philosophers debate the very existence of time. And perhaps most disconcertingly of all, physics teaches us that physical time happens to be astonishingly different from how we intuit it: runs at different speeds, at different altitudes; is distorted by matter; is not organized in a straightforward past, present and future. Advanced tentative theories of the universe even discard temporality altogether from the basic ingredients of the world. From whatever side we address it, the nature of time is a source of perplexity and wonder.

Even more intriguing is that the abstract quality of time appears to be subterraneously connected to many if not all, of the great unsolved mysteries around us: the nature of the mind, the origin of the universe, the fate of black holes, the irreversibility of macroscopic phenomena and the functioning of life.

. Time is not only something we live immersed in, like fish in water but also an element of our lives with which we constantly struggle, which drives us crazy, opens up possibilities, lulls us and loses us.

And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time. Jesus Christ


In “Why Time Flies, It a captivating account of my own personal struggle with time — the modification of the sense and the organization of time that  is forced to undergo when my brothers two delightful twin children are born and begin to grow up — with an extensive learned overview of the wealth of the last century and a half of laboratory experiments exploring the complex relation of living beings with time. It is not meant to be comprehensive in this regard, but he does cover a wide spectrum, ranging from the delay between stimuli and perception to the alterations in the perception of duration, from the surprisingly multiple manners in which our body tracks time, to the history of how we ended up agreeing upon a common hour around the planet.

 You realize that there are far more open puzzles about time than what you thought before opening the book. The three minutes during which you have been reading this short review are now ending: How does your brain connect you that started three minutes ago with the present you? How does it fold together the events of these three minutes into the unitary experience of the passage of three minutes? At the end of “Why Time Flies,” you will be puzzled by what “the present” really means; you will be asking yourself how we know, without looking at a clock, what time it is, how we know that time flies, and what it even means that time flies. You will be closer to what is today’s state of scientific knowledge about the nature of time: an enchanting enigma.

”Investing Time Off For Inner Well Being”

Because life is an endless possibility, it can never be perfect – there is always more to do.  It explains that every human being has a natural striving to move to the next notch, to become a higher expression of life.

It emphasizes how important it is for every human being to invest some time towards inner wellbeing. It is the tragedy of life slipping by and of keeping accounts of what is really valuable to us. It says, “I am conscious of every moment that passes by, and I know how many more moments are there – they are not limitless, but limited. I want you to count your own, how much more you have.”

The very purpose why individual people, societies, and nations work towards affluence is so that they have freedom of choice in their life. When human beings find something worthwhile in their life, they must be able to adjust the course of their life accordingly. If you find something very significant, is it not important that you must be able to change direction? But unfortunately, most affluent societies in the world have structured their lives in such a way that they cannot.

Spiritual possibilities have been ruined for people quite permanently, simply because they could not change the direction of their lives the way they wished. The only problem which restrains a person from being a true seeker is that whenever it comes close, he or she resists. Every day, I see any number of people coming close and then resisting because they have a thirty-year house mortgage. Especially in the United States, but others are quickly picking this up – they are planning their lives as if they are going to be here for a thousand years. Suppose you encounter the divine tomorrow morning, but you cannot change the direction of your life because you have a student loan, a house loan and a forty-five-year health care plan. It has all been planned by the insurance company, the bank, and the government and everybody put together, and you will not change the plan. But the Creator’s plan for you is that you must become a full-fledged life. What the source of Creation intends for this piece of life that you are is the only plan that matters. We may subscribe to the plans that your insurance company offers here and there if it works for us. But if your entire life is planned only on the basis of your fear as to “What will happen to me? What will happen to me?” this is a tragedy.

How much of your life is going, in terms of time and energy, doing things which will not truly add value to you?

However much insurance you have, you could fall dead tomorrow morning. It is a possibility. To constantly be conscious that, “I am a mortal. This is not a permanent engagement,” is tremendous freedom. I am conscious of every moment that passes by, and I know how many more moments are there – they are not limitless, but limited. I want you to count your own, how much more you have. If you do not factor in time for what you wish to do, if your life is only about paying up the mortgage, then your mortality may come sooner than your mortgage is over. Then you made it like “The Death of a Salesman.” You think you really outsmarted them because they can’t collect mortgage from the dead.

How much of your life is going, in terms of time and energy, doing things which will not truly add value to you? This is something you must look at daily and keep accounts. It is very important, otherwise, you may go on doing something, and after twenty-five years see that it is a mess. A mess does not mean something has gotten derailed. When that happens, of course, you will wake up. If something seriously goes wrong, you will sit up and watch what is happening. A true mess is when nothing goes wrong – when everything just went by like that, but the only thing is life did not happen. You should not let this tragedy happen to you. Tragedy does not happen like a bang of a bomb. It happens quietly. Whether you are busy or you are bored, both ways life just bypasses you. If a bus came and hit you, that is not a tragedy but just an accident because you became so super alert once a few bones are broken. You start looking at “What’s all this life about?” But if as you sit here, life just slips by, that’s a tragedy.

Right now, commercial forces are deciding the quality of people’s lives. Those who are selling a cruise say, “You have to go on this cruise, fifty percent discount this year!” Those who are selling clothes tell you, “You got to buy this, it’s ninety percent discount!” At least you must understand ninety percent discount means it is a con job!

How you invest your money is up to you, but how you invest your life should not be decided by commercial forces, isn’t it? Because life is the economics of time; it is slipping away. How well this moment is harnessed for our wellbeing, is all it is. The money will come and go, this and that will come and go. Time is the one thing which is only going, never coming at you. So something that is always going away, if you don’t keep track of it, then it will be gone before you realize.

So you must invest some amount of time in your inner wellbeing. If you can sit here as a complete life by yourself, this is wellbeing. What you do, and what you do not do, is the next thing. When we are well, whatever is the highest possibility we will shoot for it. When we are ill, we usually shoot for the lowest thing, which we can do without too much risk. So isn’t it your business, that the first and foremost business in your life is that you are truly well? “Well” not just about health. “Well” means you are not a struggle, you are not an issue in your life. Other issues are there in the world; we will deal with them to the extent we are capable of. But you should never be an issue. If that has to happen, there needs to be an investment. You must take time off, which is just for that. Either you do it in your home if it is possible, or spend some time in the ashram where facilities have been built for this purpose. If you can organize it by yourself, fine. If you need organization, it is available. But you must invest time for your inner wellbeing. Otherwise, it won’t pay off. No investment, no dividend.

''Investing Time Off For Inner Well Being''

Because life is an endless possibility, it can never be perfect – there is always more to do.  It explains that every human being has a natural striving to move to the next notch, to become a higher expression of life.

It emphasizes how important it is for every human being to invest some time towards inner wellbeing. It is the tragedy of life slipping by and of keeping accounts of what is really valuable to us. It says, “I am conscious of every moment that passes by, and I know how many more moments are there – they are not limitless, but limited. I want you to count your own, how much more you have.”

The very purpose why individual people, societies, and nations work towards affluence is so that they have freedom of choice in their life. When human beings find something worthwhile in their life, they must be able to adjust the course of their life accordingly. If you find something very significant, is it not important that you must be able to change direction? But unfortunately, most affluent societies in the world have structured their lives in such a way that they cannot.

Spiritual possibilities have been ruined for people quite permanently, simply because they could not change the direction of their lives the way they wished. The only problem which restrains a person from being a true seeker is that whenever it comes close, he or she resists. Every day, I see any number of people coming close and then resisting because they have a thirty-year house mortgage. Especially in the United States, but others are quickly picking this up – they are planning their lives as if they are going to be here for a thousand years. Suppose you encounter the divine tomorrow morning, but you cannot change the direction of your life because you have a student loan, a house loan and a forty-five-year health care plan. It has all been planned by the insurance company, the bank, and the government and everybody put together, and you will not change the plan. But the Creator’s plan for you is that you must become a full-fledged life. What the source of Creation intends for this piece of life that you are is the only plan that matters. We may subscribe to the plans that your insurance company offers here and there if it works for us. But if your entire life is planned only on the basis of your fear as to “What will happen to me? What will happen to me?” this is a tragedy.

How much of your life is going, in terms of time and energy, doing things which will not truly add value to you?

However much insurance you have, you could fall dead tomorrow morning. It is a possibility. To constantly be conscious that, “I am a mortal. This is not a permanent engagement,” is tremendous freedom. I am conscious of every moment that passes by, and I know how many more moments are there – they are not limitless, but limited. I want you to count your own, how much more you have. If you do not factor in time for what you wish to do, if your life is only about paying up the mortgage, then your mortality may come sooner than your mortgage is over. Then you made it like “The Death of a Salesman.” You think you really outsmarted them because they can’t collect mortgage from the dead.

How much of your life is going, in terms of time and energy, doing things which will not truly add value to you? This is something you must look at daily and keep accounts. It is very important, otherwise, you may go on doing something, and after twenty-five years see that it is a mess. A mess does not mean something has gotten derailed. When that happens, of course, you will wake up. If something seriously goes wrong, you will sit up and watch what is happening. A true mess is when nothing goes wrong – when everything just went by like that, but the only thing is life did not happen. You should not let this tragedy happen to you. Tragedy does not happen like a bang of a bomb. It happens quietly. Whether you are busy or you are bored, both ways life just bypasses you. If a bus came and hit you, that is not a tragedy but just an accident because you became so super alert once a few bones are broken. You start looking at “What’s all this life about?” But if as you sit here, life just slips by, that’s a tragedy.

Right now, commercial forces are deciding the quality of people’s lives. Those who are selling a cruise say, “You have to go on this cruise, fifty percent discount this year!” Those who are selling clothes tell you, “You got to buy this, it’s ninety percent discount!” At least you must understand ninety percent discount means it is a con job!

How you invest your money is up to you, but how you invest your life should not be decided by commercial forces, isn’t it? Because life is the economics of time; it is slipping away. How well this moment is harnessed for our wellbeing, is all it is. The money will come and go, this and that will come and go. Time is the one thing which is only going, never coming at you. So something that is always going away, if you don’t keep track of it, then it will be gone before you realize.

So you must invest some amount of time in your inner wellbeing. If you can sit here as a complete life by yourself, this is wellbeing. What you do, and what you do not do, is the next thing. When we are well, whatever is the highest possibility we will shoot for it. When we are ill, we usually shoot for the lowest thing, which we can do without too much risk. So isn’t it your business, that the first and foremost business in your life is that you are truly well? “Well” not just about health. “Well” means you are not a struggle, you are not an issue in your life. Other issues are there in the world; we will deal with them to the extent we are capable of. But you should never be an issue. If that has to happen, there needs to be an investment. You must take time off, which is just for that. Either you do it in your home if it is possible, or spend some time in the ashram where facilities have been built for this purpose. If you can organize it by yourself, fine. If you need organization, it is available. But you must invest time for your inner wellbeing. Otherwise, it won’t pay off. No investment, no dividend.


I think the biggest misconception about me is people really don’t know who I really am. They see the party side of me, they see the crazy side of me. But I also have a laid-back side. You know, I’m chill, down to earth. If you want to grab a cup of coffee and just talk about life, I can do that.

We all think of ourselves as pretty authentic, striving to be the best possible versions of ourselves that we can. Each day we become stronger, wiser, more grounded, more loving and confident. It’s not easy being an authentic person and it takes courage to stand up for yourself and for your own wants and needs. To follow your inner voice and hearts desires can be an uphill battle. Let alone the societal and religious dogmas that have been thrust upon us. After working our way through we still, are faced with the challenge of finding out for ourselves what we truly would like to get out of this world while we’re here.

It’s a horrible idea that God, this paragon of wisdom and knowledge, power, couldn’t think of a better way to forgive us our sins than to come down to Earth in his alter ego as his son and have himself hideously tortured and executed so that he could forgive himself.

Authentic people, have mastered these traits and stay true to their hearts– no matter how far off the beaten trail it may lead.

*.They think before they speak

Authentic people are not run by their emotions and they know how to assess a situation before giving their input.

* They speak for what is right; not for what is popular

Standing up for what is right isn’t always easy to do, especially when faced by peers and elders who think differently. It takes confidence and courage to stand firm in the face of scrutiny.

*. They indulge in conversations with depth

Authentic people aren’t captivated by mainstream hype, the next it girl or guy or the latest buzz in the media. They yearn for deep and meaningful conversation. They want to explore your mind, your heart, and your soul.

* They don’t pay attention to gossip or drama

It is said that gossip stops upon meeting wise ears, and gossip always stops with an authentic person.

They don’t take kindly to those who choose to speak harshly of other behinds their backs and make a non-judgmental note of the “witch that warned them” Quite often you will find the words turned back around on you when attempting to spread gossip, to an authentic person.

* They are comfortable being alone

Authentic people are comfortable alone because they are in a position of love and acceptance of themselves, otherwise being alone would turn into being lonely and it never does.

* They value life as an experience rather than a collection of goods.

Authentic people value each and every moment and experience and understand that the best things in life can’t be bought or sold.

Life to them is about living, caring, loving and giving, not having, taking, asking and expecting.

*They appear as an introvert but are very outgoing

Authentic people highly regard time alone to recharge and rewire. They are often mistaken for a recluse, but when exposed to a social gathering they can be very outgoing and friendly. Too much time in social circles will become draining on them, and will likely be one of the first to ditch off early for a nice relaxing evening at home.

*They truly wish for the success of others

Authentic people do not secretly wish for others to fail or become jealous for the successes of those around them. They genuinely like to see people happy and healthy, living and loving their lives.

* They trust their gut and listen to their instincts

Authentic people know how to listen to themselves and can appreciate the moments where they didn’t as another opportunity to trust themselves more.

*They follow their heart

Authentic people follow their hearts no matter how far, how crazy and how much it may hurt.

They understand that their hearts are their very best teacher and respect its wise wishes.

* They stand out from the crowd

Authentic people do not search out for popularity, they stand out for their own uniqueness. No asking, no expecting it just happens. When you live true to yourself, you become eccentric, eclectic and exuberant it just happens!

* They love themselves first

Authentic people know that there is no way to be a beacon of light or an inspiration to others unless they can lead by example. In order to love others and accept each other no matter, what we must first love and accept ourselves. It is the only way.

* They do things their own way

Authentic people don’t care how it is supposed to be done, the joy of living is learning, and learning in our own unique ways.

* They see the value in life

All life has value, none more than another, from the tiniest insect to the largest mammal, we are here on this earth together and all life has to mean.

* They see whats under the surface

Authentic people don’t focus on whats on the surface, and they prefer to see whats hidden underneath. They quite often don’t take words at face value, and they can hear the emotions behind the words being spoken. This is what they listen to.

* They don’t take it personally

Authentic people know that when someone is rude, critical or downright hurtful that it has more to do with the other person than it does about them. Authentic people always empathize with others and show a sense of understanding, no matter the words spoken.

*They are decisive, cool and collected

Authentic people always have a plan, a goal, and an aspiration even if its to just go with the flow.

* They make their own path

Authentic people want to do what has never been done, see what has never been seen and reach where no one would have ever thought possible. Sometimes, they secretly enjoy proving to you that it CAN be done.

*They are never fake

An authentic person will never tell you what you want to hear, just because you want to hear it. They will empathize with you and give you the ugly truth when you are ready for it.

*They are always grateful

They know that the key to abundance is being in a state of acceptance. The more than anyone expects things, the less can be accepted.

*They see the world from a higher perspective

When you live true to yourself, with love, hope, strength, courage, and commitment you can’t help but view the world from a more perceptive view. You have built your mountain strong and firm and you can’t wait to help everyone else rise to the top.

The stars of eternal truth and right have always shone in the firmament of human understanding. The process of bringing them down to earth, remolding them into practical forms, imbuing them with vitality, and then making use of them, has been a long one.

Thanks For Reading:)



I think the biggest misconception about me is people really don’t know who I really am. They see the party side of me, they see the crazy side of me. But I also have a laid-back side. You know, I’m chill, down to earth. If you want to grab a cup of coffee and just talk about life, I can do that.

We all think of ourselves as pretty authentic, striving to be the best possible versions of ourselves that we can. Each day we become stronger, wiser, more grounded, more loving and confident. It’s not easy being an authentic person and it takes courage to stand up for yourself and for your own wants and needs. To follow your inner voice and hearts desires can be an uphill battle. Let alone the societal and religious dogmas that have been thrust upon us. After working our way through we still, are faced with the challenge of finding out for ourselves what we truly would like to get out of this world while we’re here.

It’s a horrible idea that God, this paragon of wisdom and knowledge, power, couldn’t think of a better way to forgive us our sins than to come down to Earth in his alter ego as his son and have himself hideously tortured and executed so that he could forgive himself.

Authentic people, have mastered these traits and stay true to their hearts– no matter how far off the beaten trail it may lead.

*.They think before they speak

Authentic people are not run by their emotions and they know how to assess a situation before giving their input.

* They speak for what is right; not for what is popular

Standing up for what is right isn’t always easy to do, especially when faced by peers and elders who think differently. It takes confidence and courage to stand firm in the face of scrutiny.

*. They indulge in conversations with depth

Authentic people aren’t captivated by mainstream hype, the next it girl or guy or the latest buzz in the media. They yearn for deep and meaningful conversation. They want to explore your mind, your heart, and your soul.

* They don’t pay attention to gossip or drama

It is said that gossip stops upon meeting wise ears, and gossip always stops with an authentic person.

They don’t take kindly to those who choose to speak harshly of other behinds their backs and make a non-judgmental note of the “witch that warned them” Quite often you will find the words turned back around on you when attempting to spread gossip, to an authentic person.

* They are comfortable being alone

Authentic people are comfortable alone because they are in a position of love and acceptance of themselves, otherwise being alone would turn into being lonely and it never does.

* They value life as an experience rather than a collection of goods.

Authentic people value each and every moment and experience and understand that the best things in life can’t be bought or sold.

Life to them is about living, caring, loving and giving, not having, taking, asking and expecting.

*They appear as an introvert but are very outgoing

Authentic people highly regard time alone to recharge and rewire. They are often mistaken for a recluse, but when exposed to a social gathering they can be very outgoing and friendly. Too much time in social circles will become draining on them, and will likely be one of the first to ditch off early for a nice relaxing evening at home.

*They truly wish for the success of others

Authentic people do not secretly wish for others to fail or become jealous for the successes of those around them. They genuinely like to see people happy and healthy, living and loving their lives.

* They trust their gut and listen to their instincts

Authentic people know how to listen to themselves and can appreciate the moments where they didn’t as another opportunity to trust themselves more.

*They follow their heart

Authentic people follow their hearts no matter how far, how crazy and how much it may hurt.

They understand that their hearts are their very best teacher and respect its wise wishes.

* They stand out from the crowd

Authentic people do not search out for popularity, they stand out for their own uniqueness. No asking, no expecting it just happens. When you live true to yourself, you become eccentric, eclectic and exuberant it just happens!

* They love themselves first

Authentic people know that there is no way to be a beacon of light or an inspiration to others unless they can lead by example. In order to love others and accept each other no matter, what we must first love and accept ourselves. It is the only way.

* They do things their own way

Authentic people don’t care how it is supposed to be done, the joy of living is learning, and learning in our own unique ways.

* They see the value in life

All life has value, none more than another, from the tiniest insect to the largest mammal, we are here on this earth together and all life has to mean.

* They see whats under the surface

Authentic people don’t focus on whats on the surface, and they prefer to see whats hidden underneath. They quite often don’t take words at face value, and they can hear the emotions behind the words being spoken. This is what they listen to.

* They don’t take it personally

Authentic people know that when someone is rude, critical or downright hurtful that it has more to do with the other person than it does about them. Authentic people always empathize with others and show a sense of understanding, no matter the words spoken.

*They are decisive, cool and collected

Authentic people always have a plan, a goal, and an aspiration even if its to just go with the flow.

* They make their own path

Authentic people want to do what has never been done, see what has never been seen and reach where no one would have ever thought possible. Sometimes, they secretly enjoy proving to you that it CAN be done.

*They are never fake

An authentic person will never tell you what you want to hear, just because you want to hear it. They will empathize with you and give you the ugly truth when you are ready for it.

*They are always grateful

They know that the key to abundance is being in a state of acceptance. The more than anyone expects things, the less can be accepted.

*They see the world from a higher perspective

When you live true to yourself, with love, hope, strength, courage, and commitment you can’t help but view the world from a more perceptive view. You have built your mountain strong and firm and you can’t wait to help everyone else rise to the top.

The stars of eternal truth and right have always shone in the firmament of human understanding. The process of bringing them down to earth, remolding them into practical forms, imbuing them with vitality, and then making use of them, has been a long one.

Thanks For Reading:)


“When Life Gives You Lemons… Make Lemonade!!”

“When life gives you lemons… make lemonade!!”

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” is a proverbial phrase used to encourage optimism and a positive can-do attitude in the face of adversity or misfortune. Lemons suggest sourness or difficulty in life, while lemonade is a sweet drink.


What if it’s a really nasty, sour, and disgusting lemon? What if it’s — GASP! — not organic?

What if the lemon was not “given” to you, but pelted at you at full speed, with no warning?

What if you don’t even like lemonade?

What if you do like lemonade, but you’re just really tired and YOU DON’T WANT ANY FREAKING LEMONADE RIGHT NOW, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!?!

I get the sentiment and all … lemons are sour and overwhelming if we just bite into them, but if we slice them open, massage and juice them, and then add a little glucose and hydration, we can make a bitter experience into a sweet one.

I’m all for seeing the good, and I also think both water and sugar can solve many problems… but you know what??


You don’t have to turn something bad into something good.

When the bad happens, the last thing we may want to do is make lemonade.

It’s true that profound transformations often emerge from deep suffering … but it’s also true that profound transformations take a long time.

And I guess that’s why I’m picking on this aphorism today: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” is too easy. It means there’s ALWAYS a silver lining, and there’s an immediate, patently obvious thing to do with what has been given to you.

But life is not simple and obvious.

Sometimes it’s just bad, and complicated, and murky, and we have NO idea what to do.

At that point, we just need to sit with the bad.

One of my favorite “mommy mantras” is “Sit with the suck.”

Some parts of parenting (and work and life, etc.) just suck.

When we think we have to make lemonade and sweetness out of the suck, we just end up feeling more miserable.

What if we just sit with the suck?

And sometimes things don’t just suck — they’re plain shitty and painful and miserable. No amount of squeezing and straining them into a different form is going to help.

So we sit.

But sitting with the suck is not the same as wallowing in the suck.

Sitting with the suck means life gives you lemons, and you just decide you’re going to BE WITH the lemons.

You’re not going to yell at them or kick them or throw them at someone.

Or, actually, you might yell at them and get really mad at ALL THE LEMONS.

But the anger or frustration or sadness or righteous indignation or despair you feel about the lemons won’t be constant. It will ebb and flow and change. You’ll know this because you’re sitting with the lemons.

It might take just a few minutes of sitting with the lemons.

It might take a few months (lemons have a REALLY LONG shelf life).

But it’s not the lemon’s fault.

You’re just going to STAY with your hurt and your pain, because the only way out is through.

And then one day you might think, “I suppose I could try to make lemonade…”

Or perhaps you’ll think, “I do need just a little bit of lemon zest for this dinner recipe…”

Or you might just say, “This kitchen stinks — I’m just going to grind up the lemons in the garbage disposal…”

There are lots of uses for lemons.

You don’t have to make lemonade.

When it’s bad, you don’t have to be all heroic and turn the bad into something good.

I mean, you can if you want to. If you’re ready, and you know the recipe, go ahead and make it.

But if you need to feel the bad, then feel the bad. Reach out and talk to people about the bad. There are lots of us out there who are familiar with citric suffering.

And don’t forget the oft-forgotten option between good and bad, acid and base — neutral.

You can be neutral about lemons, too.

So, with all due apologies to the lemon, lemonade, and truism industries, I think we’ve maxed out this maxim.

The next time life gives you lemons, just tell yourself that as far as adages go, this one’s, well . . . , a lemon.

''Yoga And Spirituality''

The word yoga means to join or unite, and yogis view this unison in different ways – the unison of body, mind, and spirit, uniting all the aspects of yourself, or uniting with a higher power or spiritual force. You can believe in a God or gods, or nothing at all.

What does spirituality mean to you? Like yoga itself, spirituality is personal yet universal. Many people practice yoga as a means to a toned body and an hour of peace away from the office. But for others looking for their path through life, yoga goes deeper. For many people, spirituality is the answer to the question “what makes yoga special?”

The Spiritual Stretch=‘Wellness is a connection of paths: knowledge and action.”

“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.”

Yoga is physical, for sure. Regularly practicing yoga develops your stamina, your strength, and your rockstar abs. Postures challenge the body. However, yoga is also a mental practice where you work through emotional stress and psychological challenges – you may even meditate.

“Yoga is the fountain of youth. You’re only as young as your spine is flexible.” Bob Harper.

If you sign up for yoga classes because you want a thin body or the ability to master a handstand then you are skimming the surface of the practice. If you enjoy yoga for the health benefits then you will certainly feel better with regular sessions. But without the spiritual side, yoga is simply a stretch class, a gym session, or a space for relaxation. Go deeper, and you’ll find so much more.

Cultivating Awareness

When committing to yoga practice on a regular basis, yogis seek to experience and become aware of the spirit, or the energy, within and without. We’re not talking about ghostly spirits here, or some supernatural being – spirit is higher consciousness; a driving force, a motivation, a reason behind everything we think and everything we do. Being aware of this energy is something spiritual. Therefore, awareness is critical to yoga as a spiritual practice.

Think of the expression “the mat is your mirror.” When you turn up to the mat you bring yourself – only yourself and all of yourself. If you practice yoga with an awareness of yourself you come to learn about the different ways you act, how you react, and what you are like – in creating awareness of yourself you can transform your mind, which in turn affects how you live your life and how you interact with others.

Relinquishing Control

Watch out – awareness doesn’t always lead to the place you want to go. Yoga as a spiritual practice is not about changing your life so you can earn more money, be a “better” person, or score a job you love. Yoga is not about getting rid of the negative by controlling your mind and your environment.

Rather, practicing yoga reminds you there is no “sweet spot” – there will always be a barking dog, a car that runs out of gas, a bad-tempered boss or an inattentive lover. There will always be something you could do without, or improve. Developing a spiritual side with yoga is about holding your pose regardless of the circumstances through an awareness of yourself and your experience.

A Quiet Peaceful Mind

“Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.“ Buddha.

Most of the time, we are busy analyzing our actions and focusing on our physical performance instead of simply being. How can you develop awareness without taking the time and space to connect deeper within yourself?

Yoga gives you the space to do just that. Many teachers will talk about the importance of the quiet mind – push yourself through the highly physical postures in order to be exhausted enough to let go into your quiet mind or sacred inner space. Just be. Don’t expect positivity, peacefulness or happiness, but if it does come, be aware of it.

Be aware of what you experience, and be grateful. Taking this attitude of gratitude and surrender into your everyday life away from the mat makes yoga a spiritual practice.

Yoga Is Not a Religion

You can be of any faith or have no faith to practice yoga – yoga is not a religious practice, and the spiritual side of yoga is not linked to any organized form of worship. The word yoga means to join or unite, and yogis view this unison in different ways – the unison of body, mind, and spirit, uniting all the aspects of yourself, or uniting with a higher power or spiritual force.

You can believe in a God or gods, or nothing at all. Sometimes working through asanas can be like a prayer – moving quietly, reverently, focused on the breath. But equally, your prayer could come the next day, when you feel a jolt of recognition and completion, and are taken back to how you felt when you were truly in the moment, on the mat.

Perhaps yoga is a way of cultivating wholeness, remembering wholeness, and recognizing this wholeness everywhere – for many yogis, that is the spiritual side of the practice.


”Yoga And Spirituality”

The word yoga means to join or unite, and yogis view this unison in different ways – the unison of body, mind, and spirit, uniting all the aspects of yourself, or uniting with a higher power or spiritual force. You can believe in a God or gods, or nothing at all.

What does spirituality mean to you? Like yoga itself, spirituality is personal yet universal. Many people practice yoga as a means to a toned body and an hour of peace away from the office. But for others looking for their path through life, yoga goes deeper. For many people, spirituality is the answer to the question “what makes yoga special?”

The Spiritual Stretch=‘Wellness is a connection of paths: knowledge and action.”

“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.”

Yoga is physical, for sure. Regularly practicing yoga develops your stamina, your strength, and your rockstar abs. Postures challenge the body. However, yoga is also a mental practice where you work through emotional stress and psychological challenges – you may even meditate.

“Yoga is the fountain of youth. You’re only as young as your spine is flexible.” Bob Harper.

If you sign up for yoga classes because you want a thin body or the ability to master a handstand then you are skimming the surface of the practice. If you enjoy yoga for the health benefits then you will certainly feel better with regular sessions. But without the spiritual side, yoga is simply a stretch class, a gym session, or a space for relaxation. Go deeper, and you’ll find so much more.

Cultivating Awareness

When committing to yoga practice on a regular basis, yogis seek to experience and become aware of the spirit, or the energy, within and without. We’re not talking about ghostly spirits here, or some supernatural being – spirit is higher consciousness; a driving force, a motivation, a reason behind everything we think and everything we do. Being aware of this energy is something spiritual. Therefore, awareness is critical to yoga as a spiritual practice.

Think of the expression “the mat is your mirror.” When you turn up to the mat you bring yourself – only yourself and all of yourself. If you practice yoga with an awareness of yourself you come to learn about the different ways you act, how you react, and what you are like – in creating awareness of yourself you can transform your mind, which in turn affects how you live your life and how you interact with others.

Relinquishing Control

Watch out – awareness doesn’t always lead to the place you want to go. Yoga as a spiritual practice is not about changing your life so you can earn more money, be a “better” person, or score a job you love. Yoga is not about getting rid of the negative by controlling your mind and your environment.

Rather, practicing yoga reminds you there is no “sweet spot” – there will always be a barking dog, a car that runs out of gas, a bad-tempered boss or an inattentive lover. There will always be something you could do without, or improve. Developing a spiritual side with yoga is about holding your pose regardless of the circumstances through an awareness of yourself and your experience.

A Quiet Peaceful Mind

“Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.“ Buddha.

Most of the time, we are busy analyzing our actions and focusing on our physical performance instead of simply being. How can you develop awareness without taking the time and space to connect deeper within yourself?

Yoga gives you the space to do just that. Many teachers will talk about the importance of the quiet mind – push yourself through the highly physical postures in order to be exhausted enough to let go into your quiet mind or sacred inner space. Just be. Don’t expect positivity, peacefulness or happiness, but if it does come, be aware of it.

Be aware of what you experience, and be grateful. Taking this attitude of gratitude and surrender into your everyday life away from the mat makes yoga a spiritual practice.

Yoga Is Not a Religion

You can be of any faith or have no faith to practice yoga – yoga is not a religious practice, and the spiritual side of yoga is not linked to any organized form of worship. The word yoga means to join or unite, and yogis view this unison in different ways – the unison of body, mind, and spirit, uniting all the aspects of yourself, or uniting with a higher power or spiritual force.

You can believe in a God or gods, or nothing at all. Sometimes working through asanas can be like a prayer – moving quietly, reverently, focused on the breath. But equally, your prayer could come the next day, when you feel a jolt of recognition and completion, and are taken back to how you felt when you were truly in the moment, on the mat.

Perhaps yoga is a way of cultivating wholeness, remembering wholeness, and recognizing this wholeness everywhere – for many yogis, that is the spiritual side of the practice.