”Make or Break”


”The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.”

Charles R. Swindoll

In the journey to create freedom in every area of your life, healthy relationships are important. The support of your partner can make or break your dream. Relationships are hard work and an area of our lives that we constantly have to work on.

I made five important choices that helped keep her in my corner and grow our relationship. You can create freedom in your life and relationship by making the right decisions.

 Accepting that your partner’s needs should come first. 

Let’s be honest, we like it when we’re the center of attention. That, however, doesn’t work well in a relationship. This isn’t to say you worship your partners every word, but you do make a conscious effort to put their needs above your own.

A wise man told me long ago that love isn’t a feeling. It’s a decision. Choosing your partner’s needs above your own is one way to demonstrate that decision to love. During those times when you’re tempted to fight—over something that doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things—choose to work through the issue on your own. Choose happiness over being right.

Fostering a healthy sex life.

Sex isn’t everything in a relationship, but make no mistake, it is important. An unhealthy sex life can lead to stress, a negative self-image, and fights. It can also create thoughts that eventually result in one partner being unfaithful.

With the chaos of life, finding time for sex can be hard, but it is important. Sometimes you just have to pull your partner aside and let the animal instincts take over, but you can find time for sex if you decide it’s important to you. We always make time for the things that are important to us.


Being fully present. 

When you’re making changes—with a day job and other responsibilities—it’s easy to get distracted. You have 100 things on your mind all the time. We go through our daily lives distracted and miss so much because we’re never really in that moment.

Those little moments are what make life interesting. Being fully present allows you to focus and understand. In a relationship, it helps you understand what’s going on with your partner.

 Talking until you get sick of each other. 

I think we all know communication is important in any marriage. You have to talk honestly about what you’re both going through. We don’t, however, take communication as far as we should.

In us, is a desire to “figure things out” on our own. There are things we should be telling our partner, even if they seem trivial to us. Learning how to communicate this way helps us open up in a way that builds a strong bond. It becomes a habit to communicate, and your love grows stronger.


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BeBloggerofficial is about reflecting on simple wisdom.It was founded in August 2017, emerging as a leading resource for peace and happiness, with thousands of monthly readers. You’ll find posts about Science, universe, cosmology meeting with happiness, love, relationships, change, meaning, mindfulness, spirituality, simplicity, minimalism, letting go, and more.

14 thoughts on “”Make or Break””

    1. i don’t consider sex should be a word to feel ashamed of..Sexual energy is the bridge back to our Source; it is our connection back to the Life force. The physical, emotional and mental benefits of a healthy sex life are well documented and cannot be denied. , sexuality was respected for thousands of years as a sacred expression of nature’s life force and the mystery of creation, sexuality was respected for thousands of years as a sacred expression of nature’s life force and the mystery of creation, sexuality was respected for thousands of years as a sacred expression of nature’s life force and the mystery of creation, sex can also work as a catalyst for cultivating spiritual well-being.

      To lead a spiritual life you need to embrace and respect your sexuality just as much as any other part of your nature. Although sex has been linked to many dirty and “perverse” ideas, the act of lovemaking can truly be something sacred and profound. Keep Reading:)

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Not that I was disputing the beauty of a good sexual relationship, where I was going was the need for communication, love, respect with all relationships whether it be at work, at church or at home. All relationships take work and nurturing, not just between the marriage bed.

    Liked by 2 people

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